We provide loving support and community resources to expectant parents facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Pregnancy Counselor
Pregnancy Counselor
Pregnancy Counselor
Pregnancy Counselor
Our pregnancy counselors are compassionate, kind, non-judgmental women who desire to walk alongside you as you make decisions about your pregnancy and future. Pregnancy counselors are there to help answer your questions, provide support and advocacy, and explore options with you. They provide a listening ear, encouragement, and guidance. Pregnancy counselors have a wealth of knowledge about available resources, and they will help you find services to support a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby. Should you choose to parent your child, your pregnancy counselor can continue working with you beyond your pregnancy. For many women, pregnancy counselors offer a level of support they cannot find from family or friends.
Pregnancy counseling services are offered at no cost to you. We are able to provide these services because of donations from generous supporters who value our Mission, and even more, value each life served at Hand In Hand.